Figure 4 of Leemput, Mol Vis 2009; 15:393-416.

Figure 4. Distribution of Atm mRNA in nonretinal compartments of adult mouse ocular tissue sections. In situ hybridization signals of Atm mRNA were detected, using a specific digoxigenin labeled probe, in the corneal epithelial (CEp), corneal stromal (CS), and corneal endothelial (CEn) cells (A), in the lens epithélium (Le), transitional zone (Tz), and lens fibers (Lf; B), in iridal cells (C), and in pigmentary ciliary epithelium (PCE) and nonpigmentary ciliary epithelium (NPCE) cells (D). These results demonstrate that Atm gene is transcribed both in dividing and non dividing nonretinal cells of the adult mouse eye.