Figure 5. Polar plot maps showing the predominant orientation of collagen in the central region of normal/uninjured and trephine wounded
bovine corneas. In the unwounded cornea (A), collagen lies predominantly in a superior-inferior direction but immediately after trephine wounding (B), a realignment of collagen occurs in the center of the wound. Following 1 (C) and 2 (D) weeks of wound healing, the initial realignment of collagen post-injury persists within the center of the wound but an additional
realignment of collagen occurs both inside and outside the wounded area, where the normal vertical alignment of collagen is
replaced by radially aligned collagen. Polar plots have been scaled down by the factors shown in the color key and the solid
circle shown in B-D represents the approximate position of the 5 mm trephine wound. The scale bar is shown in millimeters.