Figure 2 of Kurihara, Mol Vis 2009; 15:2751-2761.

Figure 2. Development of posterior capsular opacity in murine IOL-implanted eyes. Representative micrographs of murine IOL-implanted eyes, stained with hematoxylin and eosin on post-operative day 1 (A) or day 5 (B) and high-magnification images of the posterior lens capsule (C, D; square area marked in A and B, respectively). The arrows depict lens epithelial cells migrating underneath the posterior capsule on post-operative day 5 (D), whereas no cells were seen on post-operative day 1 (C). The bar shown in A represents 500 µm and applies for (B) as well. The bar shown in C represents 200 µm and applies for (D) as well.