Figure 4 of Li, Mol Vis 2009; 15:267-275.

Figure 4. ERG signals following different injections. Dark-adapted ERG b-wave amplitudes under different intensities show dramatic ERG restoration in rd12 mice 5 months following subretinal injection. Statistical analysis demonstrates that functional restoration following subretinal injection is independent of whether the partner eye was pretreated with the same vector or not. Each of the five groups had three mice. The yellow curve represents the uninjected, normal C57BL/6J eyes at seven months of age. The blue curve represents the rd12 eyes at seven months of age following an initial subretinal injection of scAAV5-smCBA-hRPE65 when they were eight weeks old. The brown curve represents the right eyes of rd12 mice six months following the intravitreal injection that occurred when they were four weeks old. The green curve represents the left eyes of rd12 mice five months following the subretinal injection they received when they were eight weeks old (the right eyes of these mice received the intravitreal vector four weeks before their subretinal injections). The pink curve represents the untreated rd12 eyes at seven months of age. Bars: mean±SD.