Figure 2 of Li, Mol Vis 2009; 15:267-275.

Figure 2. RPE65 immunoreactivity after intravitreal and subretinal injections of scAAV5-smCBA-hRPE65 vector. Little RPE65 expression was detected in an rd12 eye six months after the intravitreal injection (B), which was further supported by a higher magnification image (D). RPE65 expression was detected in the RPE cells of the contralateral eye from the same rd12 mouse five months after subretinal injection (A), which was further supported by a higher magnification image (C). Abbreviations: RPE represents retinal pigment epithelium; OS represents outer segments of photoreceptor cell; IS represents inner segments of photoreceptor cell; ONL represents outer nuclear layer; INL represents inner nuclear layer; GCL represents retinal ganglion cell layer. The asterisk shows retinal detachment.