Figure 1 of Li, Mol Vis 2009; 15:267-275.

Figure 1. AAV5-mediated GFP expression both in retinal whole mounts and frozen sections following intravitreal and subretinal injection of scAAV5-smCBA-GFP. Higher transduction efficiency is seen following subretinal injection compared to intravitreal injection. A: Fluorescence image of a retinal whole-mount six months following intravitreal injection. B: Fluorescence image of a frozen section six months following intravitreal injection. C: Fluorescence image of a retinal whole-mount five months after subretinal injection (the partner eye of this mouse was pretreated with the same vector by intravitreal injection one month earlier). D: Fluorescence image of a frozen section as in (C). Abbreviations: RPE represents retinal pigment epithelium; IS represents inner segments of photoreceptor cell; ONL represents outer nuclear layer; INL represents inner nuclear layer; GCL represents ganglion cell layer.