Figure 6 of Alarcón-Martínez, Mol Vis 2009; 15:2373-2383.

Figure 6. Electroretinographic amplitude measurements four weeks after optic nerve transection. Averaged data (mean±SEM) of ERG amplitudes versus stimulus intensity both from albino (A, C; n=9) and pigmented rats (B, D; n=6) is shown from recordings obtained four weeks after ONT. Open symbols show data averaged from unoperated right eyes and filled symbols show data averaged from operated left eyes. A, B: Data corresponding to positive scotopic threshold responses (pSTR) are shown as circles and that corresponding to negative scotopic threshold responses (nSTR) are shown as triangles. C, D: Amplitudes corresponding to the a-wave are shown as triangles and those corresponding to b-wave are shown as circles. A significant reduction in the wave amplitudes of the pSTR, nSTR, b-wave scotopic response, and a- and b-wave was observed in the operated eyes (t-test; p<0.001) when compared with the unoperated eyes. The significant reduction of ERG wave amplitudes in operated eyes versus unoperated eyes is evident only in the pSTR and nSTR responses (p<0.001) in albino rats. A significant reduction for the pSTR, nSTR, b-wave scotopic response, and a- and b-wave of the mixed response was observed in pigmented rats (p<0.001).