Figure 1 of Colitz, Mol Vis 2009; 15:2259-2267.

Figure 1. Transcription factor array comparing normal and cataractous LEC. A-C: The TransSignalâ„¢ (Panomics) TF-TF interaction array using one normal and two cataractous canine LEC samples. Nuclear extract was mixed with the TransSignal Probe mix, and immunoprecipitation was performed using a polyclonal antibody to TERT (Calbiochem, San Diego, CA). A: Normal sample from an approximately seven- to nine-year-old dog. B: Diabetic cataract from an approximately seven- to nine-year-old dog. C: Breed-related cataract from an approximately seven- to nine-year-old dog. Each TF is spotted on the blot in duplicate at the same concentration and then directly below those two spots at a 1:10 dilution in duplicate. Four of the TFs are boxed to show signal intensity differences: ERE (1), p53 (2), Sp1 (3), and MRE (4). It is evident that the normal sample shows less spot intensity of these TFs when compared to the cataract samples. D: Graph depiction of the four TFs boxed in A-C demonstrating interaction of TERT with ERE, p53, Sp1, and MRE. The cataractous samples had higher signal intensity than the normal samples. The normal samples showed some interaction of TERT with ERE, Sp1, and MRE. However, there was no p53 interaction with TERT. The blots shown are representative of repeated experiments. Error bars indicate standard error of the mean (SEM).