Figure 2 of Ng, Mol Vis 2009; 15:2239-2248.

Figure 2. Transcription factor binding site prediction for dinucleotide repeats in the PAX6 P1 promoter. The cloned PAX6 P1 promoter DNA sequence was used to predict transcription factor binding sites. Predicted transcription factor binding sites around the region of the dinucleotide repeats are shown, and different lengths of AC and AG repeats are assessed. As in the immunoblotting analysis, [(AC)20(AG)6] was set as a reference. A: Predicted transcription factor binding sites for (AC)15(AG)4 are shown. B: Predicted transcription factor binding sites for (AC)20(AG)6 are shown. C: Predicted transcription factor binding sites for (AC)26(AG)8 are shown.