Figure 1 of Ng, Mol Vis 2009; 15:2239-2248.

Figure 1. Transcriptional activity of dinucleotide repeats in the PAX6 P1 promoter. A 1,851 bp genomic fragment (from –1278 to +573) containing the PAX6 P1 promoter with different dinucleotide repeats was cloned into an empty pGL3-Basic vector (pGL3) and transfected into ARPE-19 cells. The activity of each allelic construct is expressed relative to the construct (AC)20(AG)6. Data are represented as mean±SD for five independent experiments. A and B: Immunoblotting results and a bar chart show relative luciferase activity for grouped (AC)m repeats with a stable (AG)6. C and D: Immunoblotting results and a bar chart show relative luciferase activity for (AG)n repeats with (AC)21. E and F: Immunoblotting results and a bar chart show relative luciferase activity for combined (AC)m(AG)n repeats.