Table 3 of Xu, Mol Vis 2009; 15:2094-2100.

Table 3. Sequence variations in GRM6 detected in 96 high myopia patients.




# c.72G>A Exon 1 synonymous 1 ND
1 c.67-82delCAGGCGGGCCTGGCGCinsT Exon 1 p.Gln23_Arg28delinsCys 1 0
2 c.176A>C Exon 1 rs2645329 76 ND
3 c.504+10g>t Intron 1 No splicing site changed 1 ND
4 c.726-50g>c Intron 2 Splicing acceptor unaffected 1 0
5 c.858-5a>g Intron 3 Decrease of splicing acceptor 1 0
6 c.1131C>T Exon 5 rs2071246 87 ND
7 c.1172G>A Exon 6 p.Arg391Gln 2 4*
8 c.1227C>T Exon 6 rs2645339 84 ND
9 c.1308T>C Exon 6 rs4701014 96 ND
10 c.1353T>C Exon 6 rs2067011 84 ND
11 c.1359C>T Exon 7 synonymous 2 ND
12 c.1383C>T Exon 7 synonymous 1 ND
13 c.1392A>G Exon 7 rs11746675 75 ND
14 c.1537G>A Exon 8 p.Val513Met 3 0
15 c.2196G>A Exon 9 rs2071247 52 ND
16 c.2437-6g>a Intron 9 No splicing site changed 19 ND
17 c.2457G>A Exon 10 rs2071249 19 ND
18 c.2634+56a>t Intron 10 rs17078853 19 ND