Figure 1 of Xu, Mol Vis 2009; 15:2094-2100.

Figure 1. Four novel variations were detected in GRM6 of 96 unrelated subjects with isolated high myopia. A: Sequences with c.67-82delCAGGCGGGCCTGGCGCinsT p.Gln23_Arg28delinsCys variation, normal control, as well as cloning sequences of both forward and reverse directions. B: Sequences showing the rest three novel variations as well as normal controls. The substitute bases are highlighted by an arrow, with protein consequence marked below. C: Variations were not observed in normal controls (NC) by SSCP or RFLP, with the exception of c.1172G>A p.Arg391Gln. Plus signs indicate samples with variation; minus signs indicate normal controls. D and E: Conservation analysis of the variations between different species (D) or between different members of Group III mGluRs (E).