Figure 4 of Lagziel, Mol Vis 2009; 15:1843-1857.

Figure 4. CDH23 is localized in the basal body and ciliary apparatus of photoreceptor cells. A: A schematic representation of a part of rod photoreceptor cell: the outer segment (OS) is linked by the ciliary apparatus composed of the connecting cilium (CC) and the basal body complex (BB) to the inner segment (IS). B-D: Immunofluorescence microscopy analyses of double labeling for CDH23 with TF7 (B) and anti-centrin (C) antibodies (marker for the ciliary apparatus: CC and BB) is shown in longitudinal cryosections through the ciliary part of mouse photoreceptor cells. D: Merged image of (B) and (C) indicates partial colocalization of CDH23 with centrin in the BB. Scale bar represents 0.25 µm.