Figure 5 of Ivanova, Mol Vis 2009; 15:1680-1689.

Figure 5. Comparison of cell densities under different light conditions. A-B: Representative images in whole-mount show the DAPI staining of the cells located in the GCL of the retinas for the un-injected animals that were kept under standard light conditions (A) or exposed for 1 week to the continuous strong blue light (B). C-E: Representative images show the virus-infected retinas form the animals that were exposed to standard light (C), or to a strong blue light for 12 h (D) and 1 week (E). Upper panels show the DAPI staining of the cells located in GCL. The middle panels show the GFP expression of the cells located in the GCL viewed in whole-mount. The low panels show the GFP expression viewed in vertical sections. F: Cell densities (black) and the number of GFP-positive cells (white) in the GCL from the control and virus-infected retinas were compared. The digits above the error bars indicate the number of studied retinas. Scale bars 50 μm.