Table 3 of Wakamatsu, Mol Vis 2009; 15:1611-1619.

Table 3. Correlation between tear functions, ocular surface vital staining, conjunctival injection grades, and conjunctival infiltrate density assessed by in vivo confocal microscopy and conjunctival brush cytology.

Tear function tests, vital staining scores,
and conjunctival injection grades
Infiltrate Density (CSLM)
Pearson correlation coefficient p value
Schirmer test (mm) 0.059 0.778
BUT (s) −0.471 0.01*
Fluorescein scores (points) 0.522 0.005*
Rose Bengal scores (points) 0.416 0.031*
Conjunctival injection grade 0.622 0.005*
  Infiltrate Density (Brush cytology)
  Pearson correlation coefficient p value
Schirmer test (mm) 0.035 0.853
BUT (s) −0.55 0.01*
Fluorescein scores (points) 0.62 0.005**
Rose Bengal scores (points) 0.522 0.01*
Conjunctival injection grade 0.450 0.01*