Figure 1 of McDonald, Mol Vis 2009; 15:1509-1520.

Figure 1. RGDS peptide modulates AGE-induced RMEC dysfunction. A: Phase-contrast micrographs demonstrate that AGE-FN reduces cell attachment and spreading when compared to native FN controls. RMECs cultured on AGE-FN that had been pretreated with 1–6 mM RGD peptide showed an enhanced attachment that was not evident from control (scrambled) peptide. Quantification of the RMEC responses revealed a significantly reduced attachment on AGE-FN when compared to cells cultured on native fibronectin (B). Supplementing AGE-FN with RGDS peptide (3 mM and 6 mM) significantly rectified cell attachment while scrambled peptide had no significant effect. A similar response was observed for RMEC spreading (C; n=3; **p<0.01; ***p<0.001).