Table 1 of Biswas, Mol Vis 2009; 15:1492-1508.

Table 1. Distribution of the three subtypes of cholesterol-containing gap junctions in the outer and inner cortical fibers of adult chicken lenses.

Lens area Chole-GJ subtypes
Mean GJ
area (μm2)
Mean FCC per
μm2 GJ area
Mean percentage
of Chole-GJ subtypes
Outer cortex
(0-400 μm from surface)
Chole-poor-free (0-50) 1.31±0.49 32±13 4.2±1.8*
Chole-intermed. (51-100) 4.41±1.85 80±7 14.5±8.0
Chole-rich (101-300) 27.25±10.05 210±40 81.2±9.7**
Inner cortex
(400-800 μm from surface)
Chole-poor-free (0-50) 4.27±0.26 33±9 78.1±2.3 *
Chole-intermed. (51-100) 0.66±0.12 77±7 12.0±1.9
Chole-rich (101-300) 0.54±0.10 188±48 9.8±1.2**