Figure 5 of Tuson, Mol Vis 2009; 15:168-180.

Figure 5. CERKL colocalizes with Trans-Golgi, Golgi and ER markers. HeLa cells transfected with CERKLa-HA were submitted to subcellular fractionation by sucrose gradient. The strongest signal of CERKLa coincides with the Trans-Golgi TGN38 marker, but it is also localized in the same fractions as the Golgi GM130 marker and extends to the ER PDI marker fractions. The multiple banded pattern observed in the TGN38 immunodetection has been previously reported as this protein undergoes complex post-translational modification events. CERKLa-HA was immunodetected with a monoclonal anti-HA antibody. The lanes are numbered according to the sucrose fractions as collected from 1 (bottom, with higher sucrose concentration) to 10 (top, lower sucrose concentration). Abbreviations: total protein lysate (L); supernatant after pelleting the membranes by centrifugation at 100,000x g (S).