Figure 2 of Shaaban, Mol Vis 2009; 15:1351-1358.

Figure 2. HLOD and MOD scores for chromosome 7. Above: Solid thick black lines=Heterogeneity logarithm of the odds (HLOD); solid thin black lines=MOD scores for the non-imprinting model “MODreg” and solid thick red lines=MOD scores for the imprinting model “MODimp”. HLOD scores are calculated under a recessive model with disease allele frequency Pm=0.01, penetrance=0.8 and a phenocopy rate for the non-gene carriers=0.01 [7]. Below: A schematic representation of chromosome 7 (MODimp=5.78) was obtained at 7q31.2 between two blocks of imprinted genes [34,35]. (P)=paternally imprinted gene, (M)=maternally imprinted gene.