Figure 1 of Shaaban, Mol Vis 2009; 15:1351-1358.

Figure 1. HLOD and MOD scores for the 22 autosomal chromosomes. Parametric genome-wide linkage analysis results of the autosomal chromosomes in 55 Japanese families with comitant strabismus.  Solid thick black lines=Heterogeneity logarithm of the odds “HLOD”; solid thin black lines=MOD scores for the non-imprinting model “MODreg”, and solid thick red lines=MOD scores for the imprinting model “MODimp”. For each chromosome, the HLOD scores displayed are reported for either the dominant or the recessive model (whichever shows the overall highest score) with the assumption of disease allele frequency (Pm) being 0.01, penetrance being 0.8, and a phenocopy rate for the non-gene carriers being 0.01 [7]. MODimp and MODreg curves for chromosomes 1, 6, 18, and 22 are identical.