Figure 6 of Zhao, Mol Vis 2009; 15:1231-1242.

Figure 6. Annexin A2 promotes retinal neovascularization in mice with ischemic retinopathy. Mice at P7 were reared in 75% oxygen for five days followed by room air for five days. Eyes of mice (n=12) were injected with (A) Ad annexin A2, (B) Ad annexin A2_N, (C) Si annexin A2 or (D) Ad annexin A2_N at P12. Retinas were isolated and stained with (A-D, scale bar represents 100 μm) FITC-antibody for annexin A2 (n=6) to detect expression of annexin A2, or (G-H) isolectin B4 (n=6) to detect neovascularization at P17. Magnification is 5X. The scale bar represents 400 μm. I: Measurement of the area of neovascularization in the retina by image analysis (mm2) showed that eyes injected with SiAnnexin A2 had significantly less neovascularization than eyes injected with AdAnnexin A2.