Figure 6 of Brennan, Mol Vis 2009; 15:985-999.

Figure 6. Deconvoluted ESI mass spectra of HOCl-oxidized cytochrome c. A: Native cytochrome c. B: Cyt c oxidized (4:1 Cyt c: HOCl for 15 min). C: Cyt c oxidized (4:1 Cyt c: HOCl for 15 min) and repaired by 1.9 μM MsrA (2 h at 37 ºC) and 15 mM DTT. D: Cyt c oxidized (4:1 Cyt c: HOCl for 15 min) and incubated in repair buffer containing 15 mM DTT only (2 h at 37 ºC).