Figure 1 of Marc, Mol Vis 2008; 14:782-805.

Figure 1. A summary of the key attributes of light-induced retinal damage across the albino rat retina. A: The dorsoventral gradient of alterations manifested over time. At late stages, normal retina is restricted to ventral retina near the ora terminalis. The bulk of intact retina is (B) survivor retina with shortened photoreceptors. At early stages, zones of (C) stressed retina with stressed photoreceptors are large but then contract to a thin rim near the light damage (LD) margin. Also at early stages, transient buckling (D) appears at the junction of intact retina and the LD margin (E) as photoreceptors continue to produce outer segment material, but retinal pigmented epithelium (RPE) cells are compromised. LD retina forms (F) remodeling zones with internal revisions such as neuronal migration, microneuromas and fluid channel formation; (G) emigration sites with aggressive migration of retina cells into the remnant choroid, leaving behind decimated zones with severely depleted retinas. Abbreviations: BCs represents bipolar cells, ACs represents amacrine cells, GCs represents ganglion cells, CC represents choriocapillaris, MCs represents Müller cells.