Figure 5 of Liu, Mol Vis 2008; 14:762-773.

Figure 5. Real-time PCR to detect the mRNA levels for the regulatory subunits of PP2A-Aα, PP2A-Aβ, PP2A-Bα, PP2A-Bβ, and PP2A-Bγ in the retina, lens epithelium, lens fiber, and cornea of the mouse eye. Real-time PCR procedures are described in the Methods section. The primers used in this study are listed in Table 2. Note that the real-time results confirm the RT–PCR patterns of mRNA levels for the regulatory subunits of PP2A-Aα, PP2A-Aβ, PP2A-Bα, PP2A-Bβ, and PP2A-Bγ in the retina, lens epithelium, lens fiber and cornea of the mouse eye.