of Geller, Mol Vis 2008; 14:691-705.

Appendix 1. Full-length and proximal promoter fluorescence data, genomic fragment locations, and primer sequences.

To access the data, click or select the words “Appendix 1.” We identified and cloned the full-length promoters (~1500 bp), proximal promoter regions (~500 bp), the most proximal evolutionarily conserved regions (ECRs) to the transcription start site for each of nine genes identified in the literature as being potential or known Müller cell markers: CAR2, CD44, CRALBP, GFAP, GLUL, PDGFRA, S100B, SLC1A3, and VIM. The sequences were cloned either including or excluding the UTR, and then evaluated with fluorescent microscopy and flow cytometry. The table shows the eGFP expression and the mean fluorescent intensity, with values normalized and expressed as fold change relative to pFTM3GW. Restriction endonuclease is abbreviated REN. The “†” symbol identifies small UTRs that were not individually tested. The “‡” symbol denotes very large UTRs; only the ~200 bp regions immediately following the TSS were analyzed. eGFP and MFI values are shown as fold change relative to pFTM3GW vector alone. An (R) denotes that gene is arranged in a “reversed” orientation (3′-5′) relative to the chromosome’s centromere. The “§” symbol denotes ECR not located immediately proximal to the TSS, and some intervening sequence was included in ECR+UTR constructs. “NM”numbers immediately below the gene acronym refer to RefSeq mRNA ID numbers.