Figure 3 of Rao, Mol Vis 2008; 14:666-674.

Figure 3. Western blot and SDS–PAGE of αB-crystallin treated with sulfo-SBED-derivatized βA3/A1102–117 peptide and substituted peptide. The blots were probed with avidin-horseradish peroxidase conjugate, and detection was done using a mixture of 4-chloronaphthol and hydrogen peroxide. Western blot lanes 1 and 2 correspond to SDS–PAGE of lanes 4 and 5 stained with Coomassie Blue. Lane 1- αB-crystallin interacted with sulfo-SBED-derivatized βA3/A1102–117 peptide; Lane 2- αB-crystallin interacted with sulfo-SBED-derivatized substituted peptide; Lane 3- Molecular weight markers; Lane 4- αB-crystallin interacted with sulfo-SBED-derivatized βA3/A1102–117 peptide; Lane 5- αB-crystallin interacted with sulfo-SBED-derivatized substituted peptide. The arrow indicates the position of αB-crystallin.