Figure 1 of He, Mol Vis 2008; 14:56-60.

Figure 1. Analysis of methylation of HpaII sites in the human androgen-receptor locus

The different alleles at the X androgen-receptor locus are shown. The upper is the results of DNA without treatment of HpaII. The bottom shows that only genomic DNA of the female affected individuals (V:20) and two carriers (III:9 and III:11) were digested by HpaII. As to affected female (V:20), after digestion, only an amplified band of AR allele from her mother has been achieved and she may inherit the mutant allele of FRMD7 on the active X chromosome (unmethylated) from the father. While, carrier (III:11) and her sister (III:9, carrier) hold a different active X chromosome. Affected male individual (IV:29) and his affected brother (IV:31) inherited different allele on the AR locus from their mother (III:11).

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He, Mol Vis 2008; 14:56-60 <>
©2008 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535