Table 6 of Aragon-Martin, Mol Vis 2008; 14:533-541.

Table 6. DNA sequencing results of 95 patients with exfoliation syndrome.

Location Nucleotide change Amino acid change SNP number Wildtype homozygous Number of subjects observed with this variant
Heterozygous Homozygous
Exon 1 CGG>CTG R141L rs1048661 61 33 1
GGC>GAC G153D rs3825942 90 5 0
GGC>GGT G240G - 94 1 0
GAC>GAT D292D - 93 2 0
GCG>GCT A320A - 82 12 1
Exon 2 GTG>GTC V385V - 94 1 0
Intron 2 IVS2+197C>T - rs2304719 84 11 0
Intron 3 IVS3+23C>T - - 94 1 0
IVS3–155G>A - - 82 13 0
IVS3–101G>A - - 66 28 0
Intron 4 IVS4+49G>A - - 94 1 0
Intron 5 IVS5+111C>A - rs2304721 79 15 1
IVS5–121C>T - - 88 6 0
IVS5–51T>C - rs2304722 67 28 0