Table 3 of Achari, Mol Vis 2008; 14:443-455.

Table 3. Changes in mRNA levels for CathK, OPN and TSP-1 in the central cornea of rabbits following ovariohysterectomy.

Mature animals
Protein Control OVX p-Value
Cathepsin K 100 61.2 0.0006
Osteopontin 100 55.3 0.0008
Thrombospondin 1 100 82.6 NS
Immature animals
Age of rabbits 22 weeks
Protein Control OVX p-Value
Cathepsin K 100 72.6 NS
Osteopontin 100 78.4 NS
Thrombospondin 1 100 136.8 NS
Age of rabbits 32 weeks
Protein Control OVX p-Value
Cathepsin K 100 42.8 <0.05
Osteopontin 100 73.9 NS
Thrombospondin 1 100 95.5 NS