Table 3 of Polisetty, Mol Vis 2008; 14:431-442.

Table 3. Population doublings of cultured MSC-BM from P0 through P5.

Passage number Initial cell number Incubation time (Days) Mean final cell number (X millions) Number of Cell Doublings (NCD) Accumulative NCD Population doubling time (h)
P0 1×107 13 1.2
P1 1×104 13 1.5 7.2295 7.2295 33.1973
P2 1×104 13 1.4 7.1299 14.3594 33.6610
P3 1×104 13 1.4 7.1299 21.4893 33.6610
P4 1×104 13 0.72 6.1705 27.6598 38.8947
P5 1×104 13 0.1 3.322 30.9820 72.2412