Figure 4 of Goodyear, Mol Vis 2008; 14:298-307.

Figure 4. Intensity of AQP4 antibody labeling in the nerve fiber layer of chick. The mean relative fluorescence (on an arbitrary scale of 0 to 255) of AQP4/Alexa 596 conjugated antibodies expressed in the nerve fiber layer of the retinae of age-matched normal control eyes (triangles) and both non-deprived eyes (squares) and fellow eyes that experienced form deprivation (diamonds) is plotted against time from initiation of occlusion of the experimental eye. Note that initially intensity of AQP4 labeling is slightly raised in normal eyes and falls with time and increase in eye size. In contrast, occlusion initially causes significant elevation of labeling intensity particularly in the form-deprived eye, but also in the non-occluded fellow eye, which falls with duration of form-deprivation to almost reach control levels after 4 days. Error bars are 1 standard error.