Figure 2 of Wolf, Mol Vis 2008; 14:274-285.

Figure 2. Typical lenses removed and viewed by 10X microscopy. A: This panel shows a non-irradiated control mouse five months after initiation of the experiment with lens opacity blinded slit lamp rating of 1+. B: Shown here is the lens of an irradiated mouse one month after irradiation. There is minimal, if any, opacity present. C: Shown here is an irradiated mouse lens three months after irradiation, and rated 1.5+. D: Shown is a fully developed cataract rated 4+ that developed this advanced opacity within a 30 day period five months after irradiation. Only two of the irradiated mice developed cataracts at five months with the remainder of the mice developing cataracts between 7 and 11 months post-irradiation and ,in each instance, within a 30 day period.