Figure 1 of Ju, Mol Vis 2008; 14:2629-2638.

Figure 1. Acute IOP elevation induces OPA1 release in ischemic rat retina. A: The OPA1 protein bands observed at 80 kDa in cytosolic fraction and at 80 and 90 kDa forms in mitochondrial fraction of normal retina. Following ischemia, there were at least four major isoforms of OPA1 protein bands (90:L, 80:S1, ~75:S2, and ~65 kDa:S3) in the cytosolic fraction. B: Relative intensity of chemiluminescence for each protein band was normalized using actin as cytosolic fraction calibrator and VDAC as mitochondrial fraction calibrator. The isoforms of OPA1 protein (L and S3) were significantly increased in the cytosolic fraction. However, the isoform of OPA1 protein (L) was significantly decreased at 12 h but the isoform of OPA1 protein (S1) was not changed in the mitochondrial fraction at 6–24 h after ischemia. Error bars represent the standard deviation (*p<0.05 by Student’s t-test, n=3).