Table 1 of Hou, Mol Vis 2008; 14:2597-2603.

Table 1. HLA-DR4 and HLA-DRw53 distribution and clinical findings of patients with VKH syndrome.

VKH Patients
HLA-DR4 + HLA-DR4 - HLA-DRw53 + HLA-DRw53 -
Number of patients (%) 179 (77.5%) 52 (22.5%) 203 (87.9%) 28 (12.1%)
Male 103 (80.5%) 25 (19.5%) 116 (90.6%) 12 (9.4%)
Female 76 (73.8%) 27 (26.2%) 87 (84.5%) 16 (15.5%)
Neck stiffness 74 (72.5%) 28 (27.5%) 89 (87.3%) 13 (12.7%)
Alopecia 26 (72.2%) 10 (27.8%) 30 (83.3%) 6 (16.7%)
Poliosis 65 (73.9%) 23 (26.1%) 78 (88.6%) 10 (11.4%)
Vitiligo 41 (74.5%) 14 (25.5%) 48 (87.3%) 7 (12.7%)
Dysacusia 57 (69.5%) 25 (30.5%) 70 (85.4%) 12 (14.6%)
Tinnitus 61 (84.7%) 11 (15.3%) 67 (93.1%) 5 (6.9%)
Scalp hypersensitivity 32 (74.4%) 11 (25.6%) 38 (88.4%) 5 (11.6%)