Figure 9 of Raji, Mol Vis 2008; 14:2575-2596.

Figure 9. mPins protein localization in the adult mouse lens by immunohistochemistry. mPins protein localization is shown in the lens at postnatal stages P3 (A), P5 (B), P9 (C), and P12 (D), and in the adult lens (E-G). At the early postnatal stages, P3 and P5, diffuse labeling is observed in the lens. However, the mPins protein is detected in the tunica vasculosa (A and B, arrows). The mPins protein is found in the lens from later postnatal stage (P9) and is localized in the lens epithelial cells (Le), the lens fiber cells (Lf), and the transitional zone (Tz). This expression pattern is maintained at stage P12 (C and D) and throughout adulthood (E and F). Moreover, significant immunoreactivity is observed in the hyalocytes (hy) in the vitreous humor (G, arrows).