Figure 4 of Raji, Mol Vis 2008; 14:2575-2596.

Figure 4. mPins mRNA localization in nonretinal structures by in situ hybridization. mPins mRNA localization in the adult cornea (A and B), the ciliary body (C), the iris (D) at 2 months (2M), and in the lens at P3 (E), P9 (F) and at 2M (G). In the cornea, mPins mRNA is observed in the epithelium (CEp), stroma (CS), and endothelium (CEn; A). A high magnification of A also shows mPins mRNA to be present in the stromal keratocytes (ke; B). Significant labeling was also detected in the nonpigmented ciliary epithelial cells (NPCE) of the ciliary body (C). No significant labeling is observed in the pigmented ciliary epithelial cells (PCE; C), and weak mPins mRNA labeling is detected in the iris (Ir; D). In the lens, mPins mRNA is observed in the epithelium (Le), transitional zone (Tz), and lens fibers (Lf) from early postnatal stages to adulthood (D-G).