Figure 11 of Raji, Mol Vis 2008; 14:2575-2596.

Figure 11. Colocalization of mPins and Numb proteins in undifferentiated mouse retina. A shows double-labeling of mouse retina at stage P3 with antibodies against mPins and Numb proteins. The first and second panels from the left correspond to labeling for mPins (red) and Numb (green), respectively. The third panel represents the merged image. The fourth panel shows the colocalization area between mPins and Numb (white). B shows a scatter plot of red versus green intensities generated by Imaris software. The percentage of material colocalized and the Pearson coefficient are indicated below the graph. At P3, the 2 antibodies gave almost identical staining patterns, and colocalization (fourth panel, white) seemed to be more intense in the ganglion cell layer (GCL), the inner part of the neuroblastic layer (Nbl), and the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE; A). The colocalization quantification value supports our observations. We obtained a large percentage of material colocalized (about 40%) and a high Pearson coefficient for colocalized voxels (0.73; B).