Table 2 of Mafia, Mol Vis 2008; 14:234-248.

Table 2. Molecular weights (in Dalton) of unexposed and UV-A-exposed WT αB and its three deamidated mutant proteins.

Protein Type Unexposed UV-A exposed
WT αB HMW 1.84×106 4.61×107

Crystallin 4.28×105 5.00×105

Asn78Asp HMW None 1.60×106

Crystallin 5.30×105 5.30×103

Asn146Asp HMW None 2.6×107

Crystallin 4.20×105 4.96×105

Asn78/146Asp HMW 6.60×105 3.70×107

Crystallin 5.01×105 6.23×105