Figure 6 of Akula, Mol Vis 2008; 14:2499-2508.

Figure 6. Significant relations between growth factor mRNA expression, photoreceptor and post-receptor sensitivity, and arteriolar tortuosity. Results from RT–PCR (VEGF164, Sema3A), ERG (Srod, Sm), and RISA (TA) analyses for 50/10 model (red), 75 model (green), and control (blue) rats are plotted with different symbols indicating age at test (key). The left ordinates and bottom abscissae are expressed in derived (Equation 5) ΔLogNormal units; the right ordinates and top abscissae are linear values. Stippled lines indicate the means for the P25-P26 controls. Solid lines are orthogonal linear regressions through all the data. Low Sm was significantly associated with high VEGF164 (r=-0.49; p<0.001) and Sema3A expression (r=-0.38; p=0.005). Elevated VEGF164 was related to high TA (r=0.35; p=0.009). Low Srod was significantly related to high VEGF164 (r=-0.39; p=0.003).