Figure 3 of Meng, Mol Vis 2008; 14:2475-2483.

Figure 3. Double immunostaining using anti-GFP and anti-TH antibodies. Immunostaining experiments were performed in vertical retinal sections (A) and the whole-mount retina (B). GFP-IR, TH-IR, and GFP-IR/TH-IR are shown in green, red and yellow, respectively. Quantification of double-staining in the whole-mount retina is shown in C. Values represent the mean±SD from 4 individual retinas. The cell density was calculated by dividing the number of cells by the image area calculated by MetaMorph. Overall, 29±2% of GFP-labeled cells coexpressed TH. Scale bar equals10 μm for A and 20 μm for B. Arrowhead in A points to a GFP-IR/non-TH-IR cell. Arrowhead in B points to a TH-IR/non-GFP-IR cell.