Figure 4 of White, Mol Vis 2008; 14:2458-2465.

Figure 4. Diagram of the STRA6 protein structure showing transmembrane regions, and intracellular and extracellular domains. (Figure modified from Kawaguchi et al. [24], provided with the author’s permission). Underlined sequence variants were found in this study. The missense sequence variant at amino acid 217 changes a hydrophobic glycine residue to a hydrophilic glutamic acid residue located in a hydrophobic transmembrane region. The nonsense sequence variant at amino acid 592 causes a premature stop codon on the COOH-terminus end of the STRA6 protein. Previously discovered sequence variants marked with asterisks are involved in human disease. Other sequence variants are missense mutations annotated in the GenBank database, and are not currently known to be associated with human disease.