Figure 5 of An, Mol Vis 2008; 14:2292-2303.

Figure 5. Bar graph for the 6 proteins whose secretion was found differentially altered in TNF-α-treated ARPE-19 cells. Blue bars indicate ratios in control versus control cells (both labeled and unlabeled cells were untreated). Purple bars indicate ratios in TNF-α-treated cells versus untreated cells and in this case SILAC labeled cells were treated with TNF-α while unlabeled cells were kept untreated. Yellow bars indicate ratios in TNF-α-treated cells versus untreated cells and in this case unlabeled cells were treated with TNF-α while SILAC-labeled cells were kept untreated. Numbers inside of bars represent the total MS scans of labeled and unlabeled peptide pairs detected for each protein. The error bars represent the standard deviation between ratios of these individual scans. The p-values were obtained using three pair-wise t-tests (Sidak method) where all ratios for a given protein in control versus control were compared to ratios obtained in TNF-α treated versus untreated cells in both the reverse and forward experiments and these values are as follow (* represents p-value less than 1.00E-05, and ** represents p-value less than 0.001).