Figure 5 of Sumioka, Mol Vis 2008; 14:2272-2281.

Figure 5. Efficacy of gene transfer by using Cre/LoxP adenoviral vector. A-D: In an unfixed cryosection, exogenous green fluorescein protein (GFP) was observed in the endothelial layer of a cornea treated with Cre-Ad and LNL-GFP-Ad very faintly at day 3 (B) and obviously at week 1 (D, arrows) while it was not seen in the eyes with just Cre-Ad (A,C). Bar, 10 μm. E: Mouse Smad7 mRNA was detected at a high level in Smad7-Ad corneas as early as day 3 and lasted until week 2 but was never detected in the control rat cornea. F-G: Immunohistochemistry showed high intense immunoreaction of Smad7 in the endothelium of a cornea in the Smad7-Ad group (G), but this was not seen in a control, Cre-Ad treated cornea (F). Bar, 50 μm.