Table 4 of Chowers, Mol Vis 2008; 14:2263-2271.

Table 4. Correlation among demographic and phenotypic characteristics of NVAMD and genotyping for LOC387715/ARMS2 (rs10490924).

LOC387715/ARMS2 (rs10490924) genotype
Gender (female/male) 21/14 24/27 20/33 0.12
Lesion type* (classic/occult) 11/24 23/28 19/34 0.4
Family History of AMD (yes/no) # 9/19 7/35 2/43 0.006
Age (mean±SD, in years) 76.4±8 78.9±8.5 80.1±7.2 0.1
Smoking (yes/no) # 12/20 25/25 27/25 0.42
Initial VA (mean±SD, logMAR) 1.06±0.83 0.94±0.68 1.14±0.79 0.44
Lesion size (mean±SD, in µm) 4081±1347 3669±1265 3623±1288 0.34
Number of PDT sessions 2.2±2.2 2.6±1.9 2±1.6 0.22
Final VA (mean±SD, logMAR) 1.5±0.9 1.51±0.83 1.37±0.93 0.67