Figure 1 of Ahmed, Mol Vis 2008; 14:2227-2236.

Figure 1. Electroretinogram waveforms recorded from 5-month-old mice. A: Double heterozygous mouse (+ +/Cdh23v-6J Pcdh15av-Jfb), a Cdh23v-6J homozygote that is heterozygous for the Pcdh15av-Jfb allele (Cdh23v-6J +/Cdh23v-6J Pcdh15av-Jfb), and a double homozygous (Cdh23v-6J Pcdh15av-Jfb/Cdh23v-6J Pcdh15av-Jfb) mouse. Dark-adapted scotopic responses to the stimulus intensity range from −6.9 to +0.6 log cd-s/m2. B: Light-adapted photopic responses to the stimulus intensity range from −0.9 to +0.6 log cd-s/m2 on a 34 cd/m2 background.