Figure 8 of Liang, Mol Vis 2008; 14:204-216.

Figure 8. Counts of positive cells for CD45 and TUNEL markers. Counts of positive cells for CD45 (A) and TUNEL (B) after applications of PBS, BAK Sol, BAK Em, CKC Sol, or CKC Em at D1 are displayed in this graph. The asterisk means that p<0.005 compared to PBS; the sharp (hash mark) indicates that p<0.005 compared to BAK Sol; and the double “S” symbol (§) denotes that p<0.05 compared to CKC Em. A high level infiltration of CD45+ inflammatory cells and TUNEL+ apoptotic cells was found in the limbus and conjunctiva, especially in quaternary ammonium compounds solution-receiving eyes compared to quaternary ammonium compounds emulsion-instilled eyes.