Table 1 of Johnson, Mol Vis 2008; 14:2211-2226.

Table 1. Troubleshooting guide for subretinal injection.

Problem Probable cause Solutions
Lens cloudy Lens capsule nicked during surgery Avoid the lens.
No blebs Not penetrating the retina Press a little harder.
No blebs Torn retina or retina hole; fluid leaks out quickly into vitreous Penetrate retina in a single motion.
No blebs or a poorly inflated bleb Fluid leaks out quickly into vitreous Pause for 5–10 s before removing the blunt needle from the subretinal bleb. This allows pressure equilibration.
Blood Penetrating into the choroid Press gently.
Blood Nicking the ciliary body Sweep closer to lens.
Cloudy cornea Eye was not kept moist before surgery Apply lubricating eye drops between proparicaine and tropicamide application.
Air bubbles Air lines or solutions not degassed Degas solutions. Flush the lines and prime them with water before filling with delivery solution.