Figure 5 of Shiels, Mol Vis 2008; 14:2042-2055.

Figure 5. Graphical presentation of association between SNPs in the EPHA2 region of chromosome 1p with age-related cataracts in the Italian case-control cohort. The upper panel shows a plot of -log p-values (y-axis) from association analyses of 21 SNPs across the EPHA2 region. Blue diamonds denote -log p values for pure cortical cataracts; red squares, any cortical cataracts; green triangles, pure nuclear cataracts; purple x, any nuclear cataracts; and light blue asterisks, any cataracts. The x-axis shows the relative physical location of each SNP measured in mega-base-pairs. The lower panel shows a pairwise linkage disequilibrium (D´) Haploview plot for SNPs in the EPHA2 region. The strength of linkage disequilibrium (LD) is color-coded; red indicates strong LD with SNPs showing high correlation, and blue indicates low LD and high recombination. The relative positions of EPHA2 and the adjacent FAM131C are indicated with haplotype blocks for the European population (CEU) from the HapMap project (SNPbrowser, Applied Biosystems).