Figure 1 of Shiels, Mol Vis 2008; 14:2042-2055.

Figure 1. Autosomal dominant posterior polar cataracts in a four generation white American pedigree (family Mu). A: Pedigree and haplotype analysis showing segregation of seven STR markers on chromosome 1p listed in descending order from the telomere. Squares and circles denote males and females, respectively. Filled symbols and bars denote affected status and haplotypes, respectively. B: Slit-lamp image of left lens from affected female IV:6 (age 12 years) showing posterior sub-capsular opacity. C: Ideogram of chromosome 1p36, comparing the cytogenetic and physical locations of STR markers defining the posterior polar cataract locus in this study (red) with those defining 3 other loci (black) for autosomal dominant cataracts (CCV, CTPP1 and Total) [45-47], and a locus (blue) for age-related cortical cataracts [44]. M, mega-base pairs.