Figure 4 of Gorovoy, Mol Vis 2008; 14:1951-1959.

Figure 4. Suppression of inflammatory response by downregulation of LIMK1 in a mouse model of ocular inflammation. A: Tissue sections from the mouse eyes of limk1+/+ and limk1−/− genotypes treated with PBS/beads where indicated. B: Bar graph showing the number of inflammatory cells per 10,000 μm2 of subconjunctival area in PBS/beads-injected eyes of limk1+/+ and limk1−/− mice. The asterisk indicates a p=0. 028 (n=4) compared with limk1+/+ (n=5) specimens. C: Bar graph showing the number of inflammatory cells per 10,000 µm2 of subconjunctival area in eyes of mice treated with scrambled siRNA or LIMK1-targeted siRNA where indicated. The asterisk indicates a p=0. 024 (n=8) compared with scrambled siRNA controls. D: Immunofluorescence analysis of leukocyte infiltration in PBS/beads-injected limk1+/+ and limk1−/− mouse eyes. Sections were stained with anti-CD45 antibody, and the cellularity was assessed by the co-staining with DAPI. White arrowheads indicate CD45-positive cells. E: Bar graph showing the number of leukocytes per 10,000 μm2 of subconjunctival area in the PBS/beads-treated eyes of limk1+/+ (n=5) and limk1−/− (n=4) mice. The asterisk indicates a p=0.027. Experiments were performed 3 times.